Why Dentistry? Why USM?

Assalamualaikum wbt

This post is intended to guide my sister, Ajie throughout the interview. Prepare well, do well in your interview later as I'm working hard to prepare this for you.

First Question

Why Dentistry? Why do you want to become a dentist?

To answer this question, try to tell your own personal experience.
Example : 

"I'm from rural area. Dental hygiene is being neglected mostly especially for the children and young adult. Most of them doesn't really emphasized on dental hygiene care. Some of them also started smoking as early as in primary school.

I'd like to be role model for them and show that a rural child like them also can succeed. I want to motivate them to study harder. "

A lot of things you get gain when choosing dentistry as career path.

  • People.  If you like to work with people, you’ll certainly get a lot of people time.  It is a very caring profession, and the relationships are the best part of it. Being a dentist mean you'll be working in the patient's intimate zone (15 feet). This means you need to deal with the patient directly, as in examine and perform various treatment procedures on them. You'll gain trust from your patient. Why not? Since to treat them, you're using sharp instruments in their mouth. Dentists are generally highly trusted and respected.
  • Variety.  It’s always challenging and interesting.  No two days are ever the same.  When you think you’ve learned all there is to learn, you’ll see something new.  Do you deal well with change and constant learning?  If you want life to be black and white, this isn’t for you.
  • Excitement.  You wouldn’t expect it to be action-packed, but it’s not your average desk job pushing paper around.  There’s never a dull moment.  Whether it’s a kooky patient such as crying pediatric patient, fussy old lady or traumatic adult patient (example : NISA), an assistant who calls in sick, or an emergency root canal, you will not get bored.  The day will fly by, and there will be no chance to sit around, bored, staring at the clock waiting for the hours to pass you by.
  • Warm Satisfaction.  You get a chance to help others and even change lives.  Your job is to help make people smile better. Everyday you get the chance to offer real, concrete solutions and actually fix things for people.  
  • Creativity.  People may not realize that there is a lot of creativity to being a dentist.  On some levels it’s very pragmatic and scientific, but the actual work is like carving or sculpting.  You get to work with your hand skill and this will be your daily activities.
  • Great hours.  You can generally set your hours.  Part-time is always a possibility, allowing you to maintain a balanced lifestyle.  It’s also a great career for women who want to have a family.
  • Good income.

Second Question:

Why USM? Why Dental School USM?

  • USM has been given APEX university title (Accelerated Programme for Excellence). This made USM stand out as one of the leading research university in Malaysia.
  • Health campus is located in Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. In location-wise, it might be costly to go as to travel from my place, I have to take 2 flights. But in environment-wise and economy-wise, I think it's the best place to study.
  • Dental school is located near the ever-busy USM Hospital. 5 years would be enough for me to adapt well in working later.
  • Some of my senior suggests USM if I want to take up dentistry. They have told me a lot of details on USM DDS program. 
  • DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) syllabus. Starting from academic session 2012/13, the learning process no longer using 'block' system just like the Medical (MD) students use. Instead, the syllabus has been transformed where there are 6 different courses which taught at the same time. The main dental course is Oral Biology which is being taught throughout the year. Students can engage and relate more efficiently between each different courses.
  • Dental school USM located strategically between student residence and hospital. It also has dental clinic at ground floor. Even though the building has 3 floors, hey we got elevator! Yey!
  • Dental School USM has thumbprint system as attendance marking :D
  • It's Dental School not Dental Faculty, which I thinks it's cool :)

Third Question :

Dentistry vs Medicine?

Sample answer :

I've been giving thought on taking up Medicine but I far more interested in Dentistry.

Choosing to be a Dentist mean great working hours. In working-wise, I think both profession are stressful. I personally agree on that statement. Every occupation has their own stress. It's depend on how I able to manage stress. I have my own way to deal with my stress by interacting with other people. If the patient shown up all smile, I shall be managed to do that too. Daily life of dentist is so diverse and exciting. You'll meet all walks of life. 

I'd seen lot of my friends and even my siblings fear dentist more than a doctor. Dentist in their imagination might be a scary person wearing white with syringe in his hand. But in reality, it is a caring profession. Dentist deals directly with their patient, treating them and help giving a brighter smile. I really want to change that double standard on dentist.


From my past experience, the interviewer also likely to ask these kind of questions :

  • What do you know about dentistry?
  • What is caries?
Caries is the scientific name for tooth decay, a process involving the bacteria in dental plaque metabolising carbohydrates in food to produce acid that demineralises the tooth substance. Eventually leading to cavity formation, compromising the tooth and eventually requiring treatment (e.g. fillings, extractions).
You might be asked about fundamental dental conditions such as caries, tooth erosion, dentine hypersensitivity or gum disease.
You could also be asked what you understand by a certain speciality in dentistry, such as endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, prosthodontics or oral surgery.
Finally, if you’ve commented on it, more complex topics such as “what is root canal treatment?” and “what is the procedure of implant placement” could come up.

* What I've highlighted is reallyx2 IMPORTANT! They asked about it last year.
  • How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Maybe you can answer further study in dentistry specialty etc orthodontics. Open up clinic or own business.
Or even better be a dental public health specialist. Raise awareness in dental hygiene.

Do research what each of specialty do. Wikipedia got.


The interviewers might be Prof Madya Zainoor and Prof Madya Adam Hussein (Dean of Dental School). Don't worry they're really really kind.

Prof Madya Zainoor is the talkative one. He tends to ask lot of question and ask in BM. SO answer in BM

If being asked in BI, answer in BI.

USM Dental Interview!!


Assalamualaikum wbt.

Greetings everyone! Bonjour!

Ok for today’s post, I gonna write it in my own native language, Bahasa Malaysia (with some English).  Anyone who want this post in English version, please alert me in comment section.

Start off…

Bulan lepas, sy dpat offer interview USM for dentistry. Course pergigian. Alhamdulillah sy bersyukur sgt2 walaupun sebenarny cita2 memang hajat nak jdi doctor. Tpi after final exam PASUM ( Asasi UM), dh g dh interview for medicine UM. Tau tak dpt ke x.

Anyway, berbalik kat kisah interview USM nih. Banyak benda yg ingin sy share tentang interview ni. Harap2 dapat mmbantu sahabat yg mungkin akan mnduduki interview pd masa yg akan dating.

P/s : Sy bkanlh seorg pakar dalam bidang ni, tapi inshaAllah tips-tips yg bakal dicoretkan nanti bakal mmbantu sahabat agar lebih bersedia and berkeyakinan.



OK, bab ni sangat penting dalam mana2 interview pun. Antara aspek yg paling penting ialah KEYAKINAN (Confident). Macam mna nak kasi feel confident tuh?

1.       Practice makes perfect.Bak kata org putih. Mock interview sgt penting. Practice menjawab soalan-soalan interview ( lepas ni sy share ) dlm kedua-dua bahasa. Bahasa Melayu dan English. Sbb interview dental USM guna both language. Biasakan diri untuk menjawab soalan secara natural. (Interviewer know that each and every candidate will be practicing but they expect u to be natural and calm).

2.       Keep calm and go for interview. Rehat sepenuhnya dan banyak kan berdoa supaya x gelabah time interview nanti.

3.       One MOST important thing. Be humble. Merendah diri tpi berkeyakinan. I leave it for you guys to figure how to do it. But, keep asking kalau perlukan bantuan. InshaAllah sy akan membantu selagi yg termampu.


Tak banyak sgt yg dapat diperkatakn dengan topic ni. Tentang pakaian, seboleh-bolehnya, pakailah baju kurung bagi perempuan dan kemeja t bertali leher bgi lelaki. Apa2 pun yg penting berpakaian kemas dan sopan.

Then, sy nak masuk tentang soalan-soalan spot interview ni.

1.       Benda pertama semestinya, perkenalkan diri. Sertakan sekali interest anda yg mungkin berkait rapat dgn dental.
Contoh : Aktif dgn BSMM. So interested in helping people. Then, automatically akan berkait dgn dentistry.

2.       Mengapa pilih dentistry @ pergigian?
Interviewer tahu yg calon pasti akan mempraktiskan soalan ni. So, anda perlu menjawab dgn tenang dan eye contact dgn penemu duga. Anda akan nmpak lebih natural dan unscripted.

3.       Mengapa anda memilih USM ?
Soalan ini mmg agak senang jika anda bukan pelajar asasi sesebuah universiti. Dlm hal ni, sy mngalami sedikit kekalutan kerana sya adalah pelajar asasi UM. So interviewer add some twist kt soalan tuh.
“Mengapa pilih USM bukan UM?”
Dalam mnjawab soalan sebegini, anda tidak boleh terus mmbuat perbandingan. Elakkan drpda mmburuk-burukkan pilihan lain. Fokuskan kelebihan USM yg tiada pd university lain.

4.       Kenapa pilih pergigian bukan perubatan?
Another tough question. Dalam menjawab soalan ni, jgn sesekali merendah-rendahkan pilihan yg lain.
Elakkan daripada member jawapan seperti ini :
Contoh : Kehidupan sebagai dentist adlh lebih relaks. Meanwhile, doctor sgt busy dan sentiasa on call

5.       Terangkan apa yg anda tahu tentang dentistry?
Just google atau search kat Wikipedia. Do some studying and reading.

6.       Soalan2 cepumas dlm bentuk situasi. (Pemikiran kenalh pantas)

Alhamdulillah setakat itu sahaja yg mampu dicoretkan. InshaAllah akan ada tambahan info lagi dlm post yg akan dtg. Dan juga full version in English untuk entry ini akan dipublishkan tak lama lgi.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

First Breath...


Assalamualaikum wbt.

Greetings everyone! Holla!

So this is my first post so far. Being a first timer in this blogger world and lacks of talent in joining words and words, make me unsure about the future of this blog.

But, what can I do? I just try and hope that this blog will continue accounted my journey towards achieving my dream of being a philanthropist. And yes, that’s how I get my blog’s name. This blog (hope so) will mainly focus on my steps and every little effort that I’ve done to pursue my dream. Maybe I will add some tips for various topics. ( unsure about this one )

My English writing skill is ain’t the best, but through writing, I hope I can improve my language skill. Practice makes perfect, indeed.

I don’t have any clue how this blogging world goes. So, I appreciated anyone who willing to share any tips with me.
OK, I’m out of ideas. Sorry for my lame right brain. Guess being creative in words is just ain’t my style.

P/S : I don’t know if I can say this, but I really want to share my obsession on my fave team, Liverpool on this blog.

Till we meet again then. Insha Allah.

Assalamualaikum wbt.